Trivet Using Paint Chips

Everyday, sometime during the morning or evening I can find my husband in the den on the computer.  I finally goy tired of the phone book he was using for a trivet.

DIY Titled

All you need is a plain white tile, paint chips, paper cutter, brush and decoupage, polyurethane, some felt and a glue gun.  I say it shamelessly, I hoard paint chips.


The chips that came striped with multiple colors was perfect.  I used my paper cutter and ended up with various sizes.  I was going for a geometric design that would imitate the den rug.  I used decoupage glue to secure the strips, then followed up with two coats over the top.    Once dry, I added a couple coats of poly to seal it.  I also glued felt to the back of the tile.

Trivet 1

Trivet 2

The geometric pattern isn’t a perfect match to the rug, but I still like it.

Rug comparison

This was quick to do and the most important thing is my husband loved it!  Do you make your own trivets?  Do you hoard paint chips?


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