Tag Archives: Goodwill

DIY–Updated Table Stand

Over the weekend in the warm sunshine I was finally able to work on a $4.99 night table that I purchased at the Goodwill a couple months ago.  DIY Table Stand

I’ve been slowly practicing redoing anything wood or laminate.  I want to makeover a hope chest I gave to mom years ago and it came back to me when she passed.  I also have my eye on a dresser my hubby has had since childhood that’s in our closet.  My updates are simple, like this chair or  this three-drawer side table .  This really is meant to be a night stand but I’m not sure if that’s how I will use it.  If I’m true to my mantra, it will travel around the house for a while until I find the perfect spot.

before and after

I cleaned the wood up with a bit of simple green, sanded a bit, then primed it with a couple of coats of oil based primer.  The inside and the drawer accents is Rustoleum slate blue satin and the outside is gloss white the same brand.  I used the same hardware and just zapped it with some gold spray.

Right now this cute piece is against the wall in a corner of my dining room until I make a decision to where it goes.  I’m sure that will mean a domino effect of movement for othr furniture in my house.  Does that ever happen with you?  Here’s a bunch of pics.

After Full Pic 1  sideview

close up top  close up 2 bottom

I found this beautiful box on a trip to TJ Max recently and the star fish I found at the beach and spray painted using a metallic silver.  I found the gallery vase at Goodwill for $3.99.  The white bowl I purchased from Hobby Lobby and  the plate from Home Goods.

box and starfish

box and vase 1  vase

DIY Table Stand

There you have it.  I’m joining Wow Us Wednesday, Show Me What Ya Got.  Go check them out for some great ideas.


{Mapping} A Thrift Store Frame

I’m pleased as punch to be sharing with you today one of my most favorite DIYs I’ve done thus far.  It’s just been the last six months or so that I’ve started to redo thrift store items; wood trays, a chair, bathroom make-up dresser.

Let me say it again.  This is my fav!

1 2 3 Collage

I picked this cherry wood frame up for $3.99 at the Goowill awhile back.  It was pretty awful so I sanded it some, filled in the holes with wood filler, sanded again, primed with Zinnser oil based primer and then spray painted it a glossy white by Rustoleum.  I also put a sealer on it just to protect it.  This entire process took me about a week because I just had a small amount of time everyday to work on it.

I wasn’t quite sure what I was going to do with it once it was done so it sat for a couple of days.  I thought about styling it with multiple multiple pictures and ruled that out, too messy for me.  Then I was headed in the direction of blowing up one of my flower pictures to poster size when I remembered the world atlas I had .  I picked up a 1967 book of maps at the Goodwill  not too long ago.   I used a scalpel to remove the binding so the pages would stay in tact and  decided I liked one of the Atlantic Ocean because of the baby blue and yellow color.

The inside of the picture frame was 12 x 18.  I didn’t have any glass and didn’t want to buy any.  I did have a foam board from the Dollar Store which I cut to size, then sprayed adhesive spray to adhere the map to the foam board.  It fit nice and snug in the 12 x 18 middle square.  I’m okay not using glass.  And  I can change the picture anytime I want using another foam board.

Full view 2 close up 4

close up 3

close up 2

close up 1

Full View 1

Now I just have to decide where to hang it.  Every time I choose a spot I change my mind.  When I figure it out I’ll let you know.  Have you framed maps before?

Linking up to http://www.homestoriesatoz.com/tutorials/tutorials-tips-link-party-107.html


DIY–Tray Love

Tip me over, I’ve found some more trays at the Goodwill.  My hubby told me by end of summer I’ll probably have spray painted a tray in every color.  Hmmmm, at last count I had 62 cans of spray paint in my garage and that doesn’t include the primers and sealers.

I found these 2 trays on a trip to the Goodwill a couple of weeks ago.  They cost me 99 cents each.


before sideview

The Orange Tray – First I primed it and I was quite lazy I might add.  You can see I didn’t even pull the sticker from the bottom.  Yep, painted right over it.  I used Rustoleum’s bright orange for some zing.  For an added touch,  I found some gold colored duct tape in my craft closet and trimmed each corner with it.  I cut a piece of scrapbook paper to fit the inside.  It can easily be exchanged for another when I tire of it.

close up

sideview 2185

The Blue Tray – Primed and painted a Rustoleum soft blue.  I used a gold painter pen for the trim.  What makes this tray fun is the inside.

Map 1

When I spotted the trays at the Goodwill I also founded a book of maps for $2.99.  I added a page out of the book with decoupage.   This is one of my favorite trays to date and I feel like I’m going to be on a map kick shortly.

Map 2

2131 Map 1

So what about you?  Have you been spray painting lately?  Do you use maps for decorating?


Little Purchases { Little Loves}

It seems like the best purchases are the small, not-so-expensive ones.  There the one’s that you weren’t looking for and then all of a sudden, there they are calling your name and saying “Buy me, buy me”.   Here’s some of those little loves I’ve picked up over the past 2-3 weeks.

I fell in love with this dish; the shape, the color, the shimmer.  It was a
steal on the clearance rack at Marshalls for $7.99
Blue dish Blue Dish 1

I’m constantly finding little items to add to my white accessory obsession.  Like these 2 less then 3.00 items from the Goodwill.

white braid vase white candlestick

Speaking of white, when I was at Home Goods I when wacky for this white bird candle.  I love my birdies!

Bird candle

I’ve had this green birdcage around for awhile and it wasn’t until I found this small Lennox heart shaped dish at the Goodwill di I know what to do with it.


birdcage close up

Another trip by Marshalls.  I;m a frequent flyer and it was worth it.  Five dollars for a 2 pack of Laura Ashley contact paper.  If you want some ideas click on my post, For the Love of Contact Paper.

Laura Ashley Contact Paper

More birds. This time from Ace.  Little wooden ones for a couple dollars each.  And no comment on the dust!


I saved the best for last.  I was out and about last Saturday and popped into Fred Meyers for some dog bones.  I saw this pillow for $16.00 and yes, it called my name.  Well, that and the 4 burner BBQ that was on sale. That called my name too.

Pink Flower pillow

Pink Flower pillow 1

Have you picked up any little purchases lately?

Updated Goodwill Chair

I’m back today to share some pics of a chair I recently purchased from the Goodwill for $2.99.
Dining Room
I fell in love with the shape.   I lightly sanded it a bit where the wood was rough and filled in the nail holes with wood filler. I primed it with a couple layers of Zinnser oil base spray, giving it about 20 minutes between coats, then let it sit overnight.  When I first found this chair I had in my mind I was going to paint it a light blue, then decoupage maps on the chair back. That all changed when I saw Rustoleum’s straw flower satin spray.  I liked the softness of the yellow and knew I couldn’t go wrong with the color.
Before After
I had the perfect pillow for this chair that I bought at Marshalls a couple of months ago.

Pic 1 with Pillow pillow
I’m thinking about a chair cushion, but I think for the time being I like it just the way it is.  I also thought about doing a color dip on the legs bottom quarter.  What do you think.
side view Dining Room
For $2.99 I think I scored and now I’m kind of on a chair craze.  My husband saw the look in my eye and knows that the wood chairs in our house are not safe!  I’ve only painted one other chair ever and that was the chevron stripe one I use in the woman cave.  Have you ever taken a plane wood chair and given it some pizazz?


White Accessory Obsession

Welcome to Lattenene Chat.  My name is Renee and I have an obsession for white….dishes, vases, bowls, plates.  You name it, I’m sure I have it in one form or another.

I’ve always loved white and yes, even though there is a continuous debate, I consider it a color.  It’s clean. crisp and bright all at the same time.  I have lot’s of white accessories throughout my home, but recently the stock pile has increased due to multiple trips to the Goodwill, St.Vincent DePaul, Value Village, Marshalls, and other choice spots.

The total dollar amount for my treasures below is less than $50.00 .  See what a little time and a sharp eye does and I had a blast with my girlfriends doing it.

All white

All white 3s

heart and silver birdbath and heart

milk vase



Blue white bowl

Do you have a favorite color you decorate with?  Happy Friday!


Valentines Day Decor

I don’t go crazy decorating for Valentines Day, but I do like to add a bit of hearts and pink as we get closer to the love day celebration.  Last year I added touches to my family room.  This year I chose to love up the entry.

Full View

Let’s take a closer look…

I’ve had the adorable Valentines plate for a couple of years, I think it was a buy from Marshalls.  I thought I would display it and if I need it to serve some sweets I can easily grab it.  I picked up the white ceramic birds on a end-of- the- summer clearance last August at Ace.

Plate and Birds

Speaking of birds, The white bowl was a delicious find at the Goodwill for a whopping price of $3.00.  I added some fake moss, another bird, a birds nest from the Target dollar spot (was a pack of 4) and some hearts.  The hearts came in a pack from the Dollar store.  I just cut them off their sticks. I found the pink flowery stems in the bottom of my craft closet stuffed into a plastic bag.

bowl 1

bowl 2

bowl 5

Next to the bowl is a glossy white candlestick, another cheap find,  $3.00  from Marshalls .  I hunted the store for a mate but never found one.

sideview 2

The branches are from my gulley, previously spray painted for a July 4 centerpiece.  I used the same hearts as last year, but created a different tree in this white pitcher from Ross, rather than the vase.  I think the pitcher was around $7.00.

tree 2tree 6

tree 5

Last, a wreath from last year, just hung in a different place.


Valentine Collage

I’ve a bag full of Valentine décor left, but I don’t think I’ll use this year.  If you want to check out last years decorations just head to my Project Gallery.

Do you decorate for Valentines Day?  Pink, red, white, what colors do you pull on to use?  Have a fantastic Tuesday.


I’m joining the following link parties this week…

Metamorphosis Monday, Tutorials and Tips Tuesday, House of Hepworths

Tips for Finding Furniture at A Thrift Store

I’m not much of a thrift store shopper, but I’d like to be.  I am so impressed by folks like Kate @ Centsational Girl or Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality who can find a steal of a deal and turn it into something fabulous.  I usually spend my time roaming the clearance aisles of Ross, TJ Max, Marshalls or Tuesday Morning.  Other than dropping donations off I’ve only been in a Goodwill once and that was just for a few minutes.  I was on my way home from somewhere (duh!) and I ran in to a Goodwill.  I had Divot in my arms.  It was a hot day and he was just a little puppy and I couldn’t leave him in the car.  Anyway, I was only in there a few minutes and I was overwhelmed.  So much stuff and it was obvious it was one of those places one has to scour for a find.  I decided it just was not the right time for me to be there, but get ready, I’m going back!  I saw this article on the Styleist website and it was interesting  I’m sharing it with you!

Thrift Store Shopping: Find The Best Secondhand Furniture At Goodwill, Salvation Army



If you want to get an extreme reaction from someone, mention thrift shopping. You’ll either get a “I would never do that!” or an “OMG! I love thrifting!” There seems to be very little in-between.

Case in point: That article we ran a few weeks ago about upholstery expert Shelly Leer’s studio, which was primarily furnished using finds from Goodwill. Half of you expressed, shall we say, hesitation at shopping secondhand, while the other half expounded on the great deals they’ve found over the years.

If you’re in the former group, we’d like to (attempt to) change your mind about thrift shopping. The fact is, we all would like to save money, especially when it comes to home items. Furniture, tableware and accessories can be staggeringly overpriced and/or shoddily constructed. Visiting a thrift store can yield genuinely high-quality items that have withstood the test of time for far, far less than you’d get retail, on ebay and especially on etsy.

The catch? You’ll have to go to a thrift store to find those bargains. To make the search easier, here are some tried-and-true tips that we use when shopping secondhand to great results.

Thrifting secret #1: Shop in the suburbs. Actually, shop near “Grandma neighborhoods.” You know, the places that were happening for families in 1970. City thrift stores are little more than IKEA outlets. By shopping in “Grandma neighborhoods,” you’re more likely to come across genuine old-school furniture of a higher caliber. Plus, there’s less competition for the goods.

Thrifting secret #2: Watch for discount days. Goodwill stores usually have a “color of the day” deal, where certain price tags automatically get a 50% discount.

Thrifting secret #3: Don’t go near anything upholstered. It’s tempting, but it’s too risky in the era of bed bugs. Stick to wood furniture, which can be thoroughly cleaned and more easily scrutinized. Disinfect everything. Plus, wood furniture can be refinished or repainted.

Thrifting secret #3a: Look for dovetailing. This is an easy way to tell if the wood dresser you’re considering is of a higher quality. Simply take out a drawer and see if it has dovetailing. This type of joinery is hard to replicate on a mass scale, indicating that some level of craftsmanship was involved in the production.

Thrifting secret #4: Go early. This is doubly true on weekends, when bargain hunters are out in full force. While most thrift stores restock during the day, you’re guaranteed a fresh selection of merchandise when you arrive right when the shop opens.

Thrifting secret #5: Look in the kitchen section. This is, hands-down, my favorite tip. There are more genuine vintage sets of china lingering in the aisles of thrift stores than there are bridal registries in America. They usually cost less than what you’d pay for a single tea cup in a new set.

Thrifting secret #6: Be realistic. This is coming from an editor who is practically steeped in DIY: You probably won’t restore a seriously down-at-its-heels piece of furniture. Similarly, you definitely won’t sell that ugly but vintage midcentury modern decorative vase on eBay. Who has the time?

Well, did you learn anything?  I did!
